Volunteer Code of Conduct

Volunteer Code of Conduct:  All Volunteers are asked to please read and agree to the Code of Conduct as set forth by the Diocese of Lansing. Please read the document below, answer the questions, and submit when completed.

From the Office of Child and Youth Protection
Approved by Bishop Earl Boyea on 2/8/2016

Catholic Diocese of Lansing
Code of Conduct for Clergy, Employees, and Volunteers

1. In my personal and professional life, I will exemplify the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. I will not teach, advocate, model, or in any way encourage beliefs or behaviors that are contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church.

2. I will treat with respect, courtesy, and charity each person who comes to a parish, school, or agency of the Diocese of Lansing for any reason. I will take reasonable steps to protect the physical and emotional safety of all such persons.

3. In serving the young, I will exercise sound judgment at all times. I will be particularly sensitive to any actual or perceived risk of sexual impropriety. Any physical contact with a person under the age of eighteen will be limited, appropriate, non-sexual, and public.

4. Both in-person and through all communication media, including social media, I will maintain appropriate relationship boundaries with clergy, religious employees, volunteers, parents, students, parishioners, clients, and all other persons with whom I work or serve.

5. I understand that sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and improper sexual contact are absolutely forbidden in any parish or school or other agency of the Diocese of Lansing. Physical contact with any person must always be limited, appropriate, non-sexual, and public.

6. I will not distribute, send, knowingly receive, or possess pornographic images of adults or children.

7. I will immediately report significant physical, sexual, pastoral, or financial misconduct to civil authorities and to the appropriate person within the diocese. If I am uncertain to whom to make such a report, I will contact the office of the Chancellor of the Diocese. 517.342.2454.

8. Except as noted in the preceding paragraph, I will maintain any confidence that I learn or receive in the course of my service.

9. While fulfilling my assigned responsibilities, I will not smoke or use profane language; I will not possess, use, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs; and I will not possess a weapon.

​I have received, read, and understand this Code of Conduct for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lansing, I understand that I am subject to a thorough background check that may include fingerprinting and a criminal history. This may occur at the outset of my service and may occur again at any time, without notice or reason. I understand that any action or inaction inconsistent with this Code of Conduct may result in my termination or removal.

© 2025 St. Joseph Catholic Parish | Dexter, MI Made with by Diocesan