Current Status of Parish Campuses
We currently have the responsibility to maintain two campuses. Parish activities are held at both locations, yet there are new parishioners who are unaware of the village facilities. A single campus, where all parish activities can be held and is fully accessible to those with disabilities, will enrich our faith community.
In order to take the next step toward our vision of a unified campus, we conducted the Continuing the Journey capital campaign to eliminate our debt before we begin to plan Phase II — a social hall, kitchen, and faith formation space adjacent to the church. Our parish is currently debt free as of December 2015. In 2017, in conjunction with the Diocese of Lansing, we ran a joint campaign called Witness to Hope/Stairway to Unite to raise funds to make a Phase II plan a reality. We held an additional campaign, Together in Faith and Fellowship and we have broken ground on our Phase II addition in November of 2023.
Our Stairway to the Future Vision is a unified parish campus with a worship and gathering space, a social hall, kitchen, faith formation classrooms, and offices.
- 2000: Over 300 parishioners participate in VOICES (Vocalizing Opportunities, Issues, Challenges & Envisioning Strategies) sessions, initiated by Diocese of Lansing, and identify three needs: respond to continued growth of area; strengthen and improve Religious Education for all; invite fallen away Catholics and non-Catholics.
- 2001: Identified and researched current and projected parish growth. Recommended purchasing land and moving to a new site. Diocese of Lansing Approval to purchase land and move.
- Fall 2001: Four town hall meetings were held to inform parishioners and seek input.
- April 2002: Purchased 46 acres of land at the SW corner of North Territorial and Mast Roads in Webster Township.
- May 2002: Convened a group of parishioners ,” Stairway Committee” to begin studying Built of Living Stones, a document which gives guidance and direction on building new churches.
- September 2002: Permission from the diocese to initiate a capital campaign.
- August & September 2003: Adopted a phased approach: Phase I – the church; Phase II – office space, religious education classrooms, meeting spaces and a parish hall.
- August & September 2003: Held eight focus group sessions to educate and inform and to gauge potential support for the plan. (440 parishioners participating)
- Fall 2003 – Spring 2006: Capital Campaign, have received over $3.34 million in gifts & pledges.
- March 2005: Ceremonial groundbreaking on feast of St. Joseph.
- December 2005: Begin Called to the Next Step capital campaign. Raised $1.65 million in pledges & gifts and $506,125 for art & environment.
- August 2006: Actual break ground and begin construction.
- March 15, 2008: Dedicate new church building on the feast of St. Joseph.
- Fall 2009: Begin Step Up in Faith capital stewardship campaign, raised $2.23 million.
- Fall 2012: Continuing the Journey campaign raised $1.97 million in gifts & pledges.
- Mar 2018 – Dec 2020 : Witness to Hope/St. Joseph Stairway to Unite Campaign. $1.72 million collected for parish, $655,000 paid to Diocese, balance $300,850.
- July 2002 – March 2021: Memorial Fund Donations $1.67 million & misc. Building Fund Donations $483,171
- February 2003 – Sept 2020: Annual Summer Fun Festivals have raised $1.3 million.
- August 2006-June 2018: Annual Silent Auction Fundraisers have raised $206,818
- Oct 2015: Made final loan payment to the Diocese of Lansing early. Loan paid off in year 7 on a 15 year note.
- May 2021: Meeting with Diocese of Lansing to discuss Phase II addition.
- June 2021: Waiting on approval from the Diocese of Lansing to proceed
- September 2021: Together in Faith and Fellowship (TFF) campaign begins.
- December 2021: Raised $6.2 million in gifts and pledges for the Together in Faith and Fellowship ( TFF) campaign.
- November 2023: Groundbreaking ceremony for our Phase II construction project
- January 2024: To date Together in Faith and Fellowship has collected $4,147,622.