Ministry Sign Up
It takes many hands to make all the programs at St. Joseph Parish possible. Please review this form and select areas where you and your family wish to participate in serving at St. Joseph.
It takes many volunteers to assist with the over 70 programs, activities, and events offered here at St. Joseph Parish. It is these programs, activities and events that make St. Joseph Parish a special place to worship, to grow in faith, to build friendships, and to help make a difference in the world.
Click here to see a description of the programs, activities, and events offered at St. Joseph.
For a printable Ministry Sign-up form click on the button below, print, fill out and return to the Parish Office by mail, St. Joseph Parish 3430 Dover St. Dexter MI 48130, stop in the office OR drop it in the collection basket at Mass!
Thank you for considering being a part of the many who make St. Joseph Parish warm and welcoming.