The music ministry exists to help all who worship at St. Joseph to grow as disciples of Christ, especially through music.
Before Planning Your Wedding Music
We at St. Joseph are excited to share this joyful time with you! We pray that God may bless you and guide you during your engagement and the continuing years of your marriage. May this time of preparation for your life together be one of prayer and gratitude for the love you have for one another.
Fr. Brendan Walsh, Deacon Romolo Leone, Deacon Randy Desrochers, or Deacon Larry Deford will witness your marriage. Your meeting with one of them is the first step in your preparation. They will give you an overview of the marriage preparation process and your obligations.
The Catholic Church of the Diocese of Lansing and St. Joseph Parish ask for a nine-month period of preparation before the date of the wedding This ensures enough time to complete the responsibilities and planning necessary for your marriage in the Catholic Church.
Before preparing the music for your wedding liturgy, you must complete the marriage preparations required by the Catholic Diocese of Lansing, and also plan the non-musical elements of the wedding ceremony with the priest or deacon witnessing your marriage.
Please contact Fr. Brendan Walsh to discuss preparations for your wedding at St. Joseph Parish.
Planning Your Wedding Music
When you have completed the above preparations, please contact Steve Hinz.
Wedding Programs
All programs must be approved by Fr. Brendan Walsh before they are printed.
If you choose to provide a program for your wedding, please include the liturgical elements listed in these sample programs for a wedding within Mass and a wedding without Mass.