The Spiritual Life and Worship Commission (SLWC) helps plan seasonal liturgical worship and events to support the spiritual life of St. Joseph parishioners.
SLWC Commission
The Spiritual Life and Worship Commission plans special liturgical celebrations, takes care of the art, decorations and environment of our church, and addresses the spiritual life of our parish.
SLWC Meeting Schedule
The Spiritual Life and Worship Commission (SLWC) meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm in the Gathering Space of the country church.
Country Church Cleaning
Come help clean our Country Church! Every Wednesday morning at 9am a group of parishioners cleans the worship space at our Country Campus.

Our St. Joseph Parish Spiritual Life & Worship Prayer
We gather together this night
to bring the beauty of liturgical, eucharistic, and
sacramental celebration to the people of St. Joseph Parish.
Guide our quest
for a deeper understanding and appreciation
of the many ways we may worship you.
Let us plan and prepare spiritual celebrations
which touch our senses and open our hearts to you/
May we be attentive to our parish family
and their desire to be led into deep and full participation
in liturgical celebrations.
Grant us a deepening love for you
and open our hearts to your way.
May we become vessels of your will
and a voice to your word.
We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ,
who walks with us always, and lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever,
Written by Sue Furda in 2008
If you are interested in joining the Spiritual Life and Worship Commission, please contact Fr. Brendan Walsh.