Psalm 98
Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth;
break into song; sing praise.
Sing praise to the LORD with the lyre,
with the lyre and melodious song.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
shout with joy to the King, the LORD.
What is Our Purpose?
Our goal in Music Ministry is to enhance the experience of all present at our liturgies and share the vitality and the real joy that comes to our heart through the Gospel of Jesus. Through music, we uplift the prayer of the people and encourage their walk with Christ. Our role is to lead the song of the assembly as we raise our common breath and voice in prayer and praise as well as encouraging spiritual reflection. Our prayers through music encourages all to leave Mass able to best live the Gospel message as more loving servants in our world.
Why Music
God gave us this beautiful means by which He speaks to our hearts. We, in turn, speak to God’s heart and each other, with music as a unique vessel of Jesus’s love, mercy and glory.
We serve one another and our parish through music by using this vessel to infuse God’s heart into the lives of our parish community. We don’t perform for our own praise and glory but for the uplifting of people needing peace and hope.
The camaraderie and community that comes from singing or playing in an ensemble brings a special joy unlike any other experience. Our open and loving community of musicians finds success by building each other up through loving support.
All people are welcome to participate in our music ministry program regardless of past experience or training. We will thrive best if we have a balance of members with absolutely no music background.
Participate as you can on a schedule that meets your life’s needs. Please come when you can if you have a very busy schedule with a family and can only offer a little time or you are flexible and have much time to dedicate. We need you as singers or instrumentalists ….you are all welcome!
Choirs and Ensembles
The St. Joseph Choir
A full choir that focuses on singing in harmony with multiple voices on a voice part with the support of wind and string instruments
Leads worship at 11 am Masses; typically rehearses at 7 pm on Thursdays.
Rejoice Anew!
An ensemble of singers and instrumentalists that focus on singing with the support of guitar, keyboard, and wind instruments.
Leads worship at 5 pm Vigil Masses on Saturday; typically rehearses at 7 pm on Wednesdays.
Bell Choir
We currently ring a three-octave set of bells.
A specialized instrumental ensemble of 12 or more members.
Supports and enhances worship every 3 weeks at 11 am Masses; typically rehearses at 7 pm on Mondays.
Youth Choir
This new ensemble for children in Grades 2 – 6 begins rehearsal in November and sing seasonally for the Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter seasons. They will rehearse on Sundays at 12:30 pm.
the Praise Band
An ensemble of singers and instrumentalists
Leads worship at 9 am Masses; this specifically established group is set with its current membership.
May our prayers and praises connect
with heaven and unite our hearts
with the sounds of eternity.
Other Opportunities at St. Joseph
Tech Station Operators
This team provides an important ministry and service to our parish. Their role is crucial so all people are able to participate fully in the Mass by supporting their saying and singing their prayers and responses, and being able to hear and see what is said and sung.
We provide support through Audio / Visual Technology
- sound system amplification
- lighting
- projection of songs, videos, lyrics, presentations
- video projection of baptism
- recording of homilies to broadcast on our website
If you play an instrument, we want to find a way to use your gifts. You can join one of the choirs or ensembles that serves regularly, and you can also serve occasionally throughout the year. Please contact me so we can develop a plan for your involvement.