Caritas Committee Mission Statement
The mission of the Caritas Committee is, “Sharing our compassion and treasure with our neighbors in need.” The Committee, a sub-committee of the parish Finance Council, was formed for the purpose of stewarding the distribution of funds gathered in a special collection taken on the fifth Sunday of months with five Sundays. These funds are to be shared with charitable nonprofit organizations whose policies are in line with Catholic principles and teaching.
Our Caritas Recipients
Each Caritas weekend we focus on one charity that will receive 30% of our collection. The balance of the collection is shared among several local organizations. On occasion, our Caritas collection may be sent to aid other urgent needs, such as the immediate needs of victims of natural disasters. When that happens, the selected focus recipient will share in the proceeds of the next Caritas collection.
Our Ongoing Recipients
Dexter Family Services is a community service organization that provides emergency support for residents within the Dexter school district. Volunteers coordinate back to school backpacks, volunteer at the Dexter location of the Faith in Action food pantry, and organize Christmas sponsorship for families in need. They customarily receive 25% of each Caritas collection.
St. Joseph Parish Christian Service Fund meets the urgent needs of assistance for those in financial straits when other resources have been exhausted. 10% of each Caritas collection is usually directed to this fund.
Focus Recipient of the Caritas Committee, vetted to confirm the organization meets Catholic social and moral principles and is financially prudent, is chosen by the Committee six weeks prior to a Caritas Sunday. The selected organization, which may be local, national, or international, is profiled in the parish bulletin in the weeks before Caritas Sunday, and receives 30% of the collection. Parishioners are invited to submit recommendations for the Committee’s consideration.
St Luke’s N.E.W. Life Center, our contribution began in response to the water crisis in Flint and has continued as the Center serves a very economically depressed community. This faith-based organization providing life skills, education and workplace training to empower women and men to become self-sufficient. Other community services such as crisis intervention, childcare and the operation of a literacy center help to ensure the success of their workforce program. The Center also operates a huge food pantry and meal program, serving over 3,000 people monthly. The allocation goal for St. Luke’s is 10%.
Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County receives 15% of each collection. CSS provides counseling, adoption and foster care services, elder services, parenting, and family support, operates a food pantry, and in general, responds to the needs of the less fortunate.
Catholic Habitat House for Humanity every other year Habitat for Humanity designates one of the homes as the “Habitat Catholic House” where the cost of refurbishment is supported by the Catholic parishes of Washtenaw County. Our parish partners with other Washtenaw County parishes by donating funds from the Caritas collection and by volunteering services during the building process. As a Catholic Build partner, congregations come together to refurbish homes for deserving first-time home buyers. Since we know this expense, $5,000 or more supported mainly by Caritas collections, is one we will incur every other year, 10% of every Caritas collection is put aside for this purpose.
Nominate a Recipient Organization
The Caritas Committee welcomes suggestions for charitable organizations to share our Caritas collections with. These funds are to be shared with charitable nonprofit organizations whose policies are in line with Catholic principles and teaching. Nominate a Charitable Organization by contacting Lisa Dobis.