Faith Formation 3rd-6th Grades

Utilizing the Finding God curriculum, there are two options for faith formation for those in grades 3-6.  Families of Faith is an option that allows families to work together at home in order to grow in their faith.  Three times a year, starting in December, children attend a community event with the other children on either the Sunday session, Tuesday session, or Wednesday session. Community events are a time for children of all ages to get together for faith sharing events and activities. Parents will meet with the Director of Faith Formation during the community event for a quick check in, to talk about upcoming chapters, and go over the schedule. Parents will also be invited to the catechist in-services since they are the catechist for their family. There are two in-services a year during weekday evenings. These in-services are a great way to get together with other catechists for prayer, sharing, and to strengthen one’s faith.

Weekly Faith Formation is a time when children come together each week (all dates on the schedule) in mixed age groups to develop an understanding of the topics presented by catechists and to grow in faith together through discussion, application, and service. Each family will receive a parent book that affords parents the ability to review/discuss what their children are learning and to also participate in additional activities of their choice.

Either option includes the opportunity for family gatherings put together by the Family Parish Life Committee.

Catechists – Grades 3-6

Sunday 10:30 – 12:00pm

Tuesday 3:45 – 5:15pm

Wednesday 4:45 – 6:15pm

Mel Erickson – Sunday Special Needs Catechist
Kelly Kubicki – Sunday Catechist – 3rd Grade
Erika Davis Sunday Catechist –
4th Grade
Nikki Sunstrum – Sunday Catechist
4th Grade
Bob Deacon – Tuesday Catechist –
3rd & 4th Grade
Zane Eisel – Tuesday Asst. Catechist –
3rd & 4th Grade
Francisco Arana – Sunday Catechist –
5th & 6th Grade
Lynn Rae Sample – Tuesday Catechist –
5th & 6th Grade

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