Second Grade Parents

First Reconciliation and First Communion Preparation

2nd Grade (typically)

Our sacramental preparation program uses Reconciliation: We are your people, the sheep of your flock and Eucharist: Do this in memory of me curriculums by RCL Benziger in conjunction with the Finding God curriculum by Loyola Press.  The first half of the year focuses on Reconciliation. There are two books that are used during this process, the faith formation book, from which each child will bring home a chapter that was covered during the session each week, and a book specific to First Reconciliation that will be kept in the faith formation room. A small postcard will be brought home each week that discusses the topic or Bible story that was presented.

The second part of the year focuses on Eucharist.  There are two books that are used during this process, similar to the Reconciliation process at the beginning of the year.  This is a very important year of sacramental preparation and faith development. There are also two parent-child retreats during this exciting time in your child’s faith journey!

Catechist – Grade 2

Sunday 10:30 – 12:00pm

Tuesday – 3:45 – 5:15pm

Theresa Nelligan – Sunday 2nd Grade Catechist

Marie Jutkiewicz – Sunday Catechist
Paula Condron – Sunday Catechist
Jen Korte – Tuesday Catechist

Neta O’Brien – Tuesday Catechist
Jeanette Westermann – Tuesday Catechist

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