The fourth-grade program uses the Be My Disciples curriculum by RCL Benziger. Each session begins with a community gathering time of 2nd-6th grades where a common topic is discussed, we sing praise to God and we pray before we break out into small grade-level groups in a classroom setting. The four pillars of the Catholic Church, the Profession of Faith (the Creed), the Celebration of the Christian Mystery (Liturgy and Sacraments), Life in Christ (morality and the Ten Commandments), and Christian Prayer (the Lord’s Prayer), are presented throughout the year. Each child will bring home a chapter that they have worked through from each session in their folders. Please look through the chapter with your child so that you may further discuss and understand the topics presented at the session.
Sunday Catechists Grades 3-5
12:30 – 2:00pm

Tuesday Catechists Grades 3-6
3:45 – 5:15pm