First Grade Parents

First Graders interpreting the Resurrection story

The first grade program uses the Be My Disciples curriculum from RCL Benziger and is an important year in the formation of a child’s faith, as this is the year the foundation for the preparation of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is laid.  We strive during this year to expose every child to each pillar of the Catholic faith as it is outlined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  These pillars are the Profession of Faith (the Creed), the Celebration of the Christian Mystery ( Liturgy and Sacraments), Life in Christ (morality and the Ten Commandments) and Christian Prayer (the Lord’s Prayer).  Each week and new topic is discussed in both a community setting where preschool, kindergarten and first grade students come together to praise God, but also in a small group setting where more detailed discussion can be explored.  Children will each have their own book that is kept in their classrooms, but will bring home the chapter that is discussed each week.  Each chapter also includes a family reflection at the end, which I encourage you to look at and discuss with your child so you may reflect with them on the various concepts that were presented at each session.

Catechist – Grade 1

Sunday 10:30 – 12:00pm

Tuesday 3:45 – 5:15pm

Wednesday 4:45 – 6:15pm

Sue Hungerford
Sunday Catechist

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