Open to all 9-12th Grade
Confirmation preparation is open to all high school youth. Candidates may begin in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grade. This is a one year program. Utilizing Decision Point from Matthew Kelly, we meet on Sundays at 10:30am or Wednesdays at 4:45pm for large group video presentations and small group discussions. In a similar format, we gather sponsor and/or parents with our candidates at various points throughout the year to view Altarations from Ascension Press. Volunteer service hours are also a part of this journey in faith.
Our preparation uses the “red folder” which contains the necessary materials for the immediate preparation of the Sacrament. It includes both diocesan and parish requirements and materials that will help the candidates, as well as their parents and sponsors, understand this Sacrament for which they are preparing.
If you are a High School student who has not yet been confirmed, we invite you to learn more about this program by attending one of the fall meetings or by contacting Don Dalgleish. Contact Don
General Information
Classes for the Confirmation program will be taught by catechists who will follow the Decision Point and Chosen programs (links to these online resources can be found below).
Attendance is required at class, at weekly Mass, and the Confirmation Retreat in the Spring. In addition, there are several classes where the candidate and their sponsor are required to attend together. Finally, outside of class, 20 hours of service are required (5 of these hours are to be completed with the candidate’s sponsor).
Confirmation candidates will be asked to select a sponsor. The sponsor must be a practicing Catholic who has already been confirmed and should be at least 21 years old. According to Canons 893.1 and 874.5, parents cannot be sponsors. The sponsor will be asked to be a role model for the candidate by offering guidance and support, attending selected classes, being present at the Rite of Enrollment (in November), helping with service projects (5 hours are expected to be done jointly by both the candidate and the sponsor), and being present at the ceremony for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Finally, a sponsor must have a permission form signed by their pastor to fill this role. More will be discussed about sponsors and their role at the information meeting.
Confirmation Liturgy
In the Fall following the completion of all the Confirmation program requirements, the candidate will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation by our Bishop. The Bishop’s Office will notify our parish of the date sometime in late summer prior to the liturgy.
Internet Resources for Confirmation Program
Red Book Pages
Service Journal – With Sponsor
How to Write A Letter to the Bishop
For any questions regarding Confirmation in High School, please contact Don Dalgleish, Director of Youth Ministry. Contact Don
Confirmation Times
Sunday 10:30 – 12:00pm
Wednesday 4:45 – 6:15pm

Confirmation Catechist