Baptism Register Date of Baptism Month Day Year Mass Time Date of Workshop Attended Month Day Year Name of Child to be baptized* Date of Birth* Month Day Year City & State of Birth* Father's Name* Religion of Father* Mother's Name (First & Maiden)* Religion of Mother* Address (street/city/state/zip)* Phone (work)Phone (home)*Email* Are you registered in St. Joseph Parish?* Yes No When married/ church/city/state/date* Options for Baptism (check one)* Full Immersion Water on Head only (See blue sheet enclosed)Godfather** Only 1 Catholic Godparent is required and that Godparent needs to be Confirmed, a registered member of a Catholic Parish and receiving Eucharist on a regular basis. **Godfather's Name Godfather's Religion Confirmed?YesNoCatholic Parish of Godfather Godmother** Only 1 Catholic Godparent is required and that Godparent needs to be Confirmed, a registered member of a Catholic Parish and receiving Eucharist on a regular basis. **Godmother's Name Godmother's Religion Confirmed?YesNoCatholic Parish of Godmother Christian Witness(member of another Christian faith who is not baptized Catholic. No Godparent form is required)Christian Witness Name Christian Witness Religion Proxy, if necessaryProxy's Name Was child adopted?* Yes No Was child privately baptized?* Yes No Baptized by